Disease Prevention
Have you ever stopped to wonder why some people remain healthy past the age of 80, while others develop cancer, dementia, or other diseases?
The answer lies hidden within biochemical changes that begin inside the body, long before any symptoms of disease appear. Most diseases, such as cancer and dementia, develop over a long period of time.
Our research aims to understand what these biochemical changes are, how they lead to disease, and how restoring biochemical imbalances to normal could prevent diseases from developing.
Our research begins by using our patented metabolomics technology to identify these early biochemical imbalances in people with disease. We then research the role that each imbalance plays in the disease process – whether it is a symptom or a cause. Next, we develop diagnostic technology that identifies people who unknowingly have disease-causing imbalances that place them at increased risk. Finally, we develop lifestyle and therapeutic strategies to reduce these risks, and the likelihood of the disease from ever occurring. This state of pre-disease metabolic imbalance is called the prodrome. We believe the future of medicine lies in being able to identify and correct disease prodrome states.
Unique diseases have unique prodrome imbalances. If you have one of these prodrome imbalances, it means you have an increased risk of that disease.
The disease prodrome represents a perfect window for preventing disease by therapeutically correcting the imbalance before symptoms start to appear. Our risk monitoring products identify people in the general population with specific prodrome states and elevated risk of disease.